Hardship Fund
What is the Salesian Hardship Fund?
The Hardship Fund is a source of financial help available to Salesian students. The aim of the fund is to help students who have difficulties in paying for:
1. Uniform, shoes or sports kit
2. Equipment (for example ingredients for cookery classes)
3. Exceptional travel expenses to/from school
4. Curriculum trips and visits
Payments from the fund are discretionary and the school has no obligation to make them. Payments are a grant not a loan and do not need to be repaid.
Salesian has a limited budget so these grants are small and only intended for a limited number of students. Parents in financial difficulties should take advice from Government agencies or from professionals such as social workers or debt counsellors.
Who is Eligible?
- Students in receipt of free school meals
- Students in low income families. This will normally be families with a low household income or families who are claiming Universal Credit or other means tested benefits.
- Students with disabilities
- Students who are or have been in care
Even if these conditions are not met, there is discretion to allow other cases to be met from the hardship fund if it is considered a good reason.
Salesian may request recent proof of benefits if the student is not already registered for Free School Meals.
How to apply to the Hardship Fund
Please email Mr Fullbrook (Assistant Head, DSL: pfullbrook@salesian.surrey.sch.uk ) to enquire about what support is available. The enquiry will be strictly confidential and will be considered individually. If the request is specifically about trips, please email Mrs Baumgart (hbaumgart@salesian.surrey.sch.uk)
It is important to note that students and parents cannot appeal a decision not to award a hardship grant as the school’s decision is final however we will endeavour to help where we can.