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The mass media play a central role in society. Students who choose Media Studies at A Level will have the opportunity to combine the academic study of the mass media with the development of practical media-production skills. The course involves research, media theory and practical production work. Students will learn about how media industries operate; investigate issues and debates about the role of the media in society; and analyse texts from a variety of media. We use the latest Adobe suite across three media suites, and our course also makes substantial use of the Internet.

Key Stage 5 Curriculum

A Level specifications in Media Studies require close analysis and comparison of media products in relation to relevant key social, cultural, economic, political and historical contexts. During coursework, students will produce an individual cross-media production in response to a brief. The first exam will include unseen audio-visual or print based material from which students will respond with case study examples. The second exam will require students to explore text, industry and audience and the links between theory and media texts.

Media Studies is a good example of a cross-curricular subject. It will develop your research skills, analytical skills, creativity, reading and writing. As such it provides useful preparation for further education and employment. Media has links with the study of texts and language in English as well as great debating opportunities. It also shares relevance with the social sciences and ICT. Students may also wish to get involved in extra-curricular activities, either in college or with local media organisations.