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Welcome to our Careers section!


Statement of Intent for Careers Learning
‘Career’ describes the way that every individual moves through their life, learning and work. We are committed to every student going on to a fulfilling career, being able to use the knowledge and skills learned at school and applying these across the rest of their lives. This is a key measure of the success of Salesian School as it is only through ensuring that our students can successfully transition to their lives after school and establish themselves in work and in society that we will succeed in our aim of helping them to live by the school’s values and make a positive difference to the world. We do this through a progressive careers programme based on the following aims:

From Year 7, students are entitled to CEIAG which meets professional standards of practice, is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It is integrated into students’ experience of the whole curriculum and based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The programme will raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes, and promote equality and diversity.

Specifically, pupils are entitled to receive:

  • A structured and sequential careers programme developed in accordance with the CDI framework on which they can give feedback.
  • Access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities, at key transition points e.g., choosing GCSE options and Post 16 or Post 18 courses.
  • Independent and impartial advice and guidance from a qualified careers adviser – at least one such meeting by the age of 16 and another by the age of 18.
  • Encounters with providers of the full range of education and training options including the school’s college, universities, and apprenticeship providers.
  • Multiple opportunities (at least one per year) to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace.
  • First-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits and work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities.
  • A means to track and record their careers education and work-related learning using platforms such as Unifrog.
  • For students who require extra assistance to reach their full potential, such as SEN students or Pupil Premium students, ensuring that they receive it. For example, funds will be provided for pupils in receipt of the Bursary / Pupil Premium Grant to participate in paid-for careers related events and pupils will be encouraged to attend and apply for schemes that are designed to raise the aspirations of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.

The Careers Team

  • Careers Lead – Mrs Lorraine Petheram,
  • Careers Administrator – Mrs Pauline Dunne
  • Careers Advisor – Ms Sarah Ward from Innervate Careers Company
  • Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Careers – Mr Kearney Cook-Abbott
  • Enterprise Advisor – Mrs Emma Salaman
  • Enterprise Coordinator – Mrs Rosie Roberts
  • Career Link Governors – Mr Edwin Smith and Ms Paola Fudakowski

Please use the tabs below in our ‘key information’ section to access further careers information.

Weekly Careers Updates

Key Stages 3, 4 & 5 Curriculum

  • As early as Year 7, we introduce students to career resources, as they start to identify the types of jobs they are interested in, and the personal qualities and skills required to do each job. Students learn about personal development, planning, and decision making in their PSHE, English and RE lessons.
  • During Years 7, 8 and 9 students investigate various aspects of careers education through their PSHE lessons (although there is a crossover into all subjects) and by accessing dedicated careers websites.
  • As our students progress through the school, opportunities are developed and include lectures, webinars, and events dedicated to next steps.
  • In Year 9, students make their GCSE choices, and explore how to keep their options open; this is supported by a comprehensive programme delivered through assembly, tutor lessons, PSHE, and parent information events.
  • All students in Year 9 are offered 1:1 career interviews with an external consultant.
  • We encourage all students to consider the career possibilities throughout Year 10 and 11 and provide a wealth of impartial guidance and information on post 16 options.
  • All students in key stage 4 have access to lectures, talks and webinars, from motivational speakers and industry professionals.
  • We encourage key stage 4 students to volunteer within the local community as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
  • Our Year 10 Careers Week enables students to investigate a large number of professions and learn about different industry sectors whilst also exploring different educational pathways by completing a taster day at Salesian College and visiting a local University and attending apprenticeship talks.
  • All students in Year 10 complete a Post-16 Transition Workshop with Innervate Careers Company.
  • All students in Year 10 are offered 1:1 career interviews with an external consultant.
  • In Year 11 students focus on making decisions and informed choices for their options after their GCSEs. Well-planned information is provided about our own post 16 provision and external institutions.
  • All Year 11 students receive 1:1 meetings with their tutors to discuss their next steps and career aspirations. Alongside, receiving an individual consultation with a member of the Leadership Team and parents to discuss their post 16 next steps and support required.
  • All students in Year 11 are offered 1:1 career interviews with an external consultant.
  • Students attend our Year 11 into College day where post 18 options are discussed and guidance is given on subject choices to support career aspirations. Followed by an open evening for students and parents to explore options available together.
  • Throughout the year students, receive a wealth of information on post 18 options including higher education and careers opportunities including apprenticeships, internships and lectures/events that will support their aspirations.
  • In the summer term, our Year 12 students visit a university open day and attend university fairs (when available). Students are also encouraged to attend further university open days independently.
  • In Year 12 students complete a week of work experience and are encouraged to find their own placement in a career sector that interests them. Across the college, students are given the flexibility to partake in additional work experience or placement opportunities.
  • We provide workshops, employer encounters, and support, which includes, writing personal statements, interview preparation, UCAS application completion, CV and cover letter preparation, support for competitive courses such as medicine and Oxbridge.
  • 1:1 portfolio and interview preparation sessions for art foundation, architecture, design, and creative courses.
  • Lectures and talks, which can include studying and working abroad, alternatives to higher education, gap years, CV writing, UCAS and work experience, motivational speakers and industry professionals.
  • All students in the College are offered 1:1 career interviews with an external consultant.
  • In Year 13 students attend a careers evening in January where they engage with industry professionals for 1:1 mock interviews receiving feedback on these and their CVs.

Key Information

To view our CEIAG Policy, please click the following link here.

To view our Provider Access Policy – Employer Information & Resources, please download the following document here.

To view our 2024 destination data, please click the following link here.

Please click here to find information on how to support the school’s careers programme and hear from employers who have worked with the school previously.

Please click here for Student Careers Education information.

Please click here for Staff Careers Education information.

Please click here for Information on Parent and Carer careers.

To view our ‘Measuring the Impact of Careers Education’, and read some feedback from students, staff, parents and employers, please click here.

We use an online careers platform called Unifrog throughout Years 7-13 and is designed to support students in making the most informed decisions about their futures. Please click here to find out more.

Please use buttons below to find the latest Labour Market information.

UK LMISurrey LMISurrey Careers Hub -The Careers Courier

Please click here to find more information on work experience.

For further information, or if you are a business that would like to engage with us in delivering our Careers Education Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG), please contact Mrs Lorraine Petheram by email or by phone 01932 582577

‘Committed to work towards meeting the Quality in Careers Standard incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks’

Our Careers Newsletter 2024 - 2025

Edition #8

Edition #11

Edition #12

Edition #14

Edition #17

Salesian College together with Capgemini (a global business and services group) participates in the Careers and Enterprise Company’s Enterprise Adviser programme.  This gives our school access to a senior Capgemini executive who brings a wealth of strategic guidance and advice whilst also acting as our critical friend in the design, delivery and impact of our careers programme.

Our Enterprise Adviser is Emma Salaman, Vice President, Global HR Business Partner at Capgemini.  Emma has worked as the school’s Enterprise Adviser since 2021, working with our careers team to bridge the gap between our students and the world of work.

Emma helped prepare our Year 12 students for work experience by providing insights into what employers expect from students and how to get the best out of work experience. Similarly, for our Year 13 students, interested in the apprenticeship pathway, Emma was instrumental in the organisation of a workshop on the A-Z of Apprenticeships.

This long term relationship has allowed us to provide careers in the curriculum input and guidance, our year 12 and 13 students have benefitted the most with sessions supporting their business and economics curriculum.

Emma has introduced a number of her Capgemini colleagues to our students, widening their experiences.  We are extremely fortunate to have Emma  advising and supporting the careers team and the wider student Salesian community.

To learn more about the Enterprise Adviser network:

To learn more about Capgemini: