The KS3 curriculum is structured to develop artistic skills, cultural interest, and independence in the young artists. Early learning features basic observational drawing techniques, colour theory and approaches to narrative. As the Key Stage develops, students develop mastery of a range of media, and they become more responsible for the presentation of their work. Artistic movements and genres are introduced and studied throughout the Key Stage, and students are encouraged to take more control of their own creative output.
Art & Design
Students must understand the value of research as a basis for their own work, and appreciate the relevance of Art and Design skills to modern creative industries.
Key Stages 3, 4 & 5 Curriculum
KS4 sees a continuation in the development of our young artists . The course consists of three projects. The first two are based loosely on ‘Still-Life’ and ‘Natural Form’. The final project is an externally set study. Students develop work and ideas based on their own interests, subject matter, and artistic decisions. Students are encouraged to experiment with a wide range of traditional and digital media, and to take risks in the development stages of projects. Students review, modify and refine their work as the create increasingly personal outcomes.
The first months of the KS5 programme sees students working with more artistic freedom as they further develop their own creative identities and skills. They work on a larger scale and with more freedom, and they are challenged with new media and ways of thinking. Teaching begins with a ‘workshop’ style programme before students begin to address more personal topics in their creative work. Eventually, students settle on their own major areas of discovery, as they undertake their ‘Personal Investigation’. Students are equipped to carry forward their own self-set projects, which form the major component of their coursework. Students develop portfolios and are given guidance with regards to future university and career paths.