At Key Stage 3, PSHE provides students with the skills and opportunities to understand what makes happy and successful relationships within their communities. Students will explore the fundamental British values and learn to recognise their own rights and the responsibility they have to uphold the rights of others. The curriculum also covers Relationships and Sex Education which is delivered in conjunction with the Chaplaincy team to provide an informative education inspired by core gospel values. Our careers provision is built into PSHE and students will begin exploring different vocations, while considering their own aspirations. Students also learn about current affairs, so that they are able to express well-founded opinions and make valuable contributions to social, economic and political debate.
Our PSHE provision is based on our whole school curriculum principles, inspired by Don Bosco:
- Promoting Gospel Values
- Inspiring Vocation
- Achieving Highly
- Generating Happiness
- Growing Knowledge and creating experiences
Key Stages 3, 4 & 5 Curriculum
At Key Stage 4, PSHE builds upon the skills and knowledge developed at KS3 so that students explore the topics of economics and finance, mental wellbeing and healthy relationships in more depth and consider next steps after school with preparation for future careers. The curriculum also covers Relationships and Sex Education which is delivered in conjunction with the Chaplaincy team to provide an informative education inspired by core gospel values. Our careers provision is built into PSHE and, through these sessions, students will learn about both vocational and traditional subject choices at Key Stage 5, as well as post-18 options. Students also learn about current affairs, so that they are able to express well-founded opinions and make valuable contributions to social, economic and political debate.
At Key Stage 5, PSHE offers students the opportunity to prepare themselves for adult life. Students learn a broad range of topics in relation to emotional wellbeing, financial literacy, healthy relationships, stereotypes and discrimination and how to live independently after college. The curriculum also covers Relationships and Sex Education which is delivered in conjunction with the Chaplaincy team to provide an informative education inspired by core gospel values. Our careers provision is built into PSHE and, through these sessions, students will learn about topics such as apprenticeships, university life and performing in a digital world. Students also learn about current affairs, so that they are able to express well-founded opinions and make valuable contributions to social, economic and political debate.